We are currently focused on advancing our portfolio of battery metal projects in the USA, Spain, Ireland and Cameroon, but at the same time, we are continually evaluating new opportunities to add value to the company.
As a company, we are aware of the sensitivity of operating in the mining and exploration sector and, as such, fully comply with the local and country laws. We wish to attain our goals responsibly and with the greatest respect to the environment and local communities, and engage with stakeholders at the earliest possible stage.
In order to create a successful exploration program, we recognise the significant responsibility we have with regards to respecting the home of the local inhabitants, protecting and conserving, to the best of our ability, the environment in which we operate and finally, ensuring we deliver (results permitting) commercially viable projects for exploitation in a sustainable manner which will create local jobs.
We remain committed to attaining our operational targets in the most sustainable and environmentally friendly way possible as well as respecting all inhabitants who live around our current and future projects.

Environmental and health responsibility
Health and Safety
Our company requires its employees, consultants, contractors, suppliers and subsidiaries to adopt the highest Health and Safety standards whenever they are on any of our sites.
• Zero Harm – possible to achieve no matter where we work.
• Learn from any incidents and avoid repeats – all necessary steps will be taken to learn from incidents, audit findings and other non-conformances to prevent their recurrence.
• Continuous Improvement – essential for our operations; we must learn, adapt, anticipate and prevent issues recurring anywhere within the company, be that at a corporate level or on site in the field.
Whenever possible, we look to support leaders and representatives from all stakeholders on an ongoing basis, from holding regular meetings to addressing grievances to carrying out projects that will set the stable foundations for a brighter, healthier future for exploration wherever we operate.
We recognise the potential impact that our activities can have on the environment and, as such, we are constantly seeking to minimise any adverse impact that our activities may have whilst we operate. We are committed to conducting our business in an ethical manner, with due care and respect for the environment we operate in. As such, we aim to continuously improve our environmental management practices and performance.
We realise that water is a shared and finite resource. We aim to preserve water sources, protect the waterways we use, and support access to high-quality water wherever we operate. Wherever possible, we will ensure that water is recirculated in our operations to reduce our demand on freshwater.
Climate change
We recognise global climate change science, as laid out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. We will continually monitor and work towards reducing our carbon footprint with the ultimate goal of being carbon neutral.
Human rights
We are committed to respecting human rights. We actively support our employees, business partners and others to understand and meet our standards and expectations.
We are committed to preventing the occurrence of modern slavery and human trafficking in our operations and supply chains. This Statement serves as a voluntary Statement under the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK Act). For the purposes of this Statement, we have considered the definitions of modern slavery in the UK Act, which cover various forms of exploitation including:
• slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour;
• human trafficking;
• sexual exploitation and forced marriage;
• child labour;
• deceptive recruiting practices; and
• debt bondage.
These terms are also defined and recognised under international law.
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